Coming Soon
Israel MasterCourse
Join the Academy for the world’s first collaborative space to develop critical thinking skills; high-level as well as granular knowledge on Israel; online critical awareness; exposure to all sides and narratives; skills to educate, communicate and engage in adversarial communication.
Because silence is not an option.
Yonah - Complexity Beneath The Surface
Join the Academy on a textual, national and spiritual voyage into the murky depths of the Book of Jonah as we delve into its language and concepts and discover the value of return, reinvigoration, repentance and revolution encapsulated in the belly of this powerful book.
Power and Persuasion
An in-depth look at women's voices, power and powerlessness in the Tanach, through eight stories that are often glossed over due to their explicit or unusual nature. We’ll explore the text and silences of the text around Dina, Tamar, Batsheva, Esther and more, in order to understand how they used or were used, gained or lost their power and voice. The results often changed the course of Jewish history.